@Satsuma I need to consume that media just so I can read that fic

@celli if you want an extremely iddy fantasy about the magic of bureaucracy, cultural traditions, court politics, and nebulously queer fealty based relationships than boy do i have a novel for you

@Satsuma you are not the first to recommend it! It sounds AMAZING. (I just have a problem reading lately/since the pandemic started.)


@celli ahh i feel that! i have also struggled with reading lately, esp full length novels

If it helps I ended up tearing through it at a speed I’d forgotten I could manage—it doesn’t require a ton of close concentration to just wallow in the delightful iddyness of it all and, while there’s some politicking its largely either handwaved or laid out pretty straightforwardly—none of the chinese court drama “okay please remember these twenty peoples names, titles, courtesy names, motivations and relationships to eachother” lmao

@Satsuma I have a flight coming up, maybe I'll put it on my tablet!

@celli i hope you enjoy it! (and also wherever you’re traveling to? is it a vacation or?)

@Satsuma my grandmother had a health scare so I'm flying out for a couple of days next week to see her. so, not a vacation, sadly, though I am grateful for the chance to go.

@celli ah yeah those kinds of visits are difficult, but important. I hope her recovery is going smoothly 💜

@Satsuma thank you! 💜💜💜 she says she's getting a little better every day.

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