
Stuck in a Snow Globe, it's not a trope but it should be

also, the Tag Wrangling Chair needs to get their shit together and finalize the guidelines for tags without a parent fandom so this can be canonized pls

look Canadian Shack Fic paved the way for weird horny magic snow globe fics and we, as a fandom, should respect our formothers by canonizing the trope

@Satsuma I was tilting my head in puzzlement at "stuck in snow globe" but your link to Canadian Shack made it click and OK yes good I am here for this. (It’s already a trope in fanart: chibis stuck in snow globe, or tiny terrarium, or bottles. Great way to include dense yet limited background or just some whimsy to a flatter piece).

@MoonRaccoon oh i was also :cat_tilting_head: when i saw the tag haha. but yes canadian shack fic except they’re stuck there because they touched a magic snowglobe and got stuck inside

and i love the chibi terrarium’s! they’re so cute

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