
FairestCat, a past OTW board member talking about the OTW’s historical resistance to change, the limits of the boards power, & the OTW’s institutional culture of hoarding money & valorizing unpaid work even when its objectively the worse option:

the whole thing is relevant to the ongoing discussions re:Ao3 & the OTW but i particularly want to highlight this bit: «Because the Board's power is also limited. I especially want to emphasise that right now, when we're going into a new OTW Election. Don't put your faith in a changing of the Board. The Board cannot make changes without the backing of staff and volunteers. Particularly staff. The Board only has as much power as the committees are willing to give it. Additionally, communication between volunteers and the Board is almost always funnelled through committee chairs which gives committee chairs even more power. And again, it's a lot easier to replace a Board member than it is to replace a committee chair.»

@Satsuma so it's one step of many. It would seem odd to prioritize it except tha the elections are coming right up, so I guess they jumped on it. I wonder what the next campaign will be and how they will address the other issues.

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