
Just wrote a short post on why I'm not paying membership dues/voting in the upcoming and some projects I plan to support instead:

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@Satsuma if I had already donated before learning about the BS I would be voting, but I'm definitely not giving them any money now...

@varve yeah thats how i feel as well—I was pretty surprised to home home to discovering that was taking the opposite approach

@Satsuma maybe they figure the votes are the important part? (Which tbh replacing a majority of the board is probably going to get better results than waiting for the existing board to actually do anything.)

They did specifically mention that if you didn't want to or couldn't afford to buy a membership there were other things you could do, at least. :flan_shrug:

@varve well—i don’t know how much you were following the follout of the campaign—one of the things we recently found out is that the board seems to have little to no control over the legal committee (who were the ones who unilaterally kicked a volunteer out of the org and then accused her of committing felonies over a grudge) so i am not sure how much an election will help, which is part of my issue with the strategy (the other part being the more obvious ‘i am not giving them money when they are causing this much harm’)

@Satsuma yeah, I did see that. It's going to be A Job to fix that mess. Probably firing the legal committee would be a good place to start.

@varve firing legal would definitely give me some hope things were moving in the right direction but i just dont see how that could happen without a perfectly unified board (which we can’t get unless the members not up for this election resign AND we manage a pretty serious majority over the ‘actually everything is fine’ contingent in the voting itself—considering how large the backlash for the campaign was in some spaces, i’d rather save my energy for fights that don’t at least require i cough up money to loose them)

@Satsuma is also open for signups, and we have an OpenCollective

@lookitmychicken your opencollective was already on there, but i’ve added a note about signups :)

Ooops sorry my reading comprehension is bad today! My brain is byebye cos I have a cold

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