rec of the day is chestnut_pod’s exploration of some of the underlying structural issues which have made it so difficult to get the OTW to do anything about racism on Ao3, as well as some of the steps it would have to take to make good on the campaign promises. There’s a lively discussion going on in the comments with various further perspectives on the OTWs structure & how that relates to their continued inaction re:racism


Like my post re:the ways in which the OTW’s silence & deflection serves to deflect accountability it’s definitely a bit of a broader perspective on the issue but I think its helpful if you are (reasonably) baffled about how the hell we ended up needing to resort to a protest to get the OTW to keep promises they themselves made three entire years ago

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.