another tea thread? stats 

younger sister is out of town & i got a late start today so we’re using the baby tea pot (170 ml i believe) with 2.25 g Tie Guanyin in uhhhh, probably like 185°F water I do not own or use a thermometer so we’re doing that bit entirely by eye

(for anyone curious about judging temps by eye this guide runs a little lower than my own tests, probably due to differences in how high we typically fill the kettle: )

another tea thread? sights & smells during steeping 

This is a low oxidation oolong, which you can definitely see in the leaves here! Like the black tea I tried these are loosely rolled

dried leaves smell lightly vegetal with overtones that I suspect will develop into floral once steeped

They are a charming dark jade color after steeping (no picture bc inbuilt filter pot) & indeed v floral, mostly honeysuckle? Like going outside on a summer night after a rainstorm, when the humidity is still thick and makes the fragrance almost tangibly hang in the air


another tea thread? 1st steeping 

pale enough color that i wondered for a moment if i’d misjudged something in the steeping process (there’s a lot of variance in how you should steep oolongs in terms of temp / time) but it tastes fine

floral notes have been turned down to a more balanced cup, much more presence in the scent than the taste w/a nutty underlayer

p sure its a richer mouthfeel than the last tea, still don’t really pay much attention to this

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