One of my profs keeps making things due on Saturday at 10 pm and I'm just.

Why would you do that

I have a whole list of guidelines for duedates that are to me very obvious but apparently not universally so, because profs keep Doing The Thing

(things should be due on weekdays, preferably ones where the class meets, and at either 11:59 or the beginning of the class period. Things should *not* be due on: weekends, random times unrelated to the class schedule, or--with the exception of in class assignments--on the same day that the info necessary to complete the thing is provided)

That last one is the only one on the list where I can see why professors *think* it's a good idea, good to make kids review stuff while it's still fresh, right? Yeah except: 1) I am not a kid who needs to be made to review things & 2) on Mondays I don't get out of class until 9PM--there is no 'still fresh' left to review with by the time I get out of class

teacher who always makes things due on Saturdays at 10 PM has decided to make something due on Sunday at 10 PM

I mean, if you're going to pick a horrible time for your due dates at least be consistent about it???

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