the “nintendo would never call it Switch 2” takes sure were something in light of Super Mario Bros. 2, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Metroid II: Return of Samus, Kirby’s Dream Land 2, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong’s Quest, Pikmin 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Star Fox 2, Super Mario Maker 2, and Splatoon 2
my opinion is if they were going to give it a cool name they would have had to justify it with new buttons or some breakthru feature
which it doesn’t have; it’s just a newer model of switch
@aschmitz new nintendo 3DS never actually had games developed exclusively for it, tho
@Lady Sure, just that it's not unprecedented. (Arguably New Super Mario Bros. did have new exclusive content, and got several revisions of its own, though of course it wasn't a console.)
@Lady That hasn't stopped them from prefixing things with "New" in the past.