Since I'm in a good mood.

Eris, stay the fuck the away from our communities until you learn and internalize what black and brown people here told you and then once you do that: start apologizing.

Then *maybe* you can come back in here.

You are like a ghost that keeps haunting our communities. Sure as fuck *white* as a ghost too.

I'm tired of it. Go become a better human being.

( If you don't know who Eris is, consider yourself lucky. I'll explain another day ).

@packetcat ngl I saw one of the posts in this thread out of context and thought you meant the mythological figure 😅
Though, I guess it's on-brand for someone with that handle to be an awful person for communities 🙃

yeah it's really too bad. I'm a big fan of the goddess Eris -- I think she got a bad with the whole apple thing, it was just a prank but Zeus played the other goddesses against each other and it escalated -- but the name's now badly tainted in the fedi context.

And, great thread!


@jdp23 @packetcat @Sharksonaplane could be wrong, but i’m pretty sure her name is referencing the Discordian god not the Greek one (the former is of course stolen from the latter)

Yeah, the disqordia in the domain name might well imply that. Great to see that classic works of literature like Prinicipia Discordia continue to resonate across the generations.

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.