english language fuckery 

is 2023 the year i try to make å a thing or is it still too soon

english language fuckery 

@Lady What is this, Swedish??

english language fuckery 

@coriander look sometimes A makes the sound of an O and idk what to do with that other than to write it as an A topped by a little O

english language fuckery 

@coriander i mean the obvious alternative is to write tol and smol but it gets fuzzier with words like fol (fall), bol (ball), etc

tål, smål, fål, bål, these are more obvious

english language fuckery 

@Lady This is where I realize how different our ideolects are because NONE of those vowels are rounded for me lmao

english language fuckery 

@coriander oh i have cot~caught i say fall /fɑl/ not /fɔːl/ but that /ɑ/ is in fact the sound of a short O in my english

english language fuckery 

@coriander "hot" etc is said with the same vowel as "hall"

english language fuckery 

@Lady Fascinating

english language fuckery 

@coriander when i actually redid english orthography completely to be sensible i used Å completely differently, to represent “ou” e.g. mouse=mås, house=hås

and you know if i was redesigning English completely to be sensible i would stand by that, but in terms of more of a gradual transition i think that leaving OU as a digraph is probably fine


english language fuckery 

@coriander speaking of, i forgot the other option

we can forget rhoticity and just go back to writing “all” as “orl”

english language fuckery 

@Lady Now you're just being Coach Z

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