fediverse admins disgruntled with mastodon 4.0, please send me your critiques :do_boost:

you know if eugen was worth his salt he would’ve asked this question

haha jk we all have his instance blocked


finally following up on this… :do_boost:

Here is the list of problems that our instance has identified with the Mastodon 4.0 upgrade, and how much work I think it will take to address these issues. I think we will probably want to fix all the things which aren’t labelled “Hard” before we merge in the latest changes here.


Comments welcome!

cc: @darius who I know has been looking into this stuff for Hometown.

@Lady thank you this will be VERY helpful for me next week

@Lady Hi! I fixed a few of the issues you mention on that page in Hometown. Specifically the About page is now static:


Also here is a tiny commit that fixes the <title> page issues: github.com/hometown-fork/homet

@Lady @darius I have had more downtime due to fucked up upgrades than any other cause. It's frustrating.

@Lady @darius this is well written up thank you, I agree 100% with this document...

@Lady@glitch.cat.family @darius@friend.camp The issue with the old remote interaction is that it wouldn't work with other Fediverse software, at least I don't think so.

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.