a while back i found an old flash drive which contained all the old code for the snow web client for mastodon that i developed as allie hart a while back, which i had kinda assumed was lost to time

might take a look at it one of these days

this also has my old fish configuration from the one time i used fish

what the fuck is this allie 

function fish_prompt
set -l quotes "Hey babe, what's up? " "What can I do you for? " "Pleasant weather today, huh? " "How are you feeling? " "What are you in the mood for? " "Let's get to work! "
set_color E91E63 brmagenta
echo $quotes[(random 1 (count $quotes))]

oh god in copying this git directory it, uh, changed the mode of every single file, so the git diff is just

diff --git a/storybook/webpack.config.js b/storybook/webpack.config.js
old mode 100644
new mode 100755

for every single file in the entire mastodon repository

why receive jesus into your life when you could receive objects 53% (74338/138341)


“Snow is designed to be usable with plugins; to prevent conflicting with other plugins' styles and elements, every Snow class name and id begins with the emoji 🌨.” ah, the years before i learned about URI namespacing

okay so it doesn’t fucking work but it DOES do the full oauth handshake before not fucking working so there’s that

apparently mastodon got rid of the V1 statuses api at some point

custom emoji did not exist when i wrote this

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.