Help needed on looking for a full time dev role. I'm on the cusp between junior and mid software dev with 2-3 years experience in commercial roles. Open to front and back end dev but mostly done the latter. Know Python, Go, Node in both JS and TS. Dabbled in things like Vue before.

Live and able to work in the UK. Remote work preferred.

I am using Fedi because its been really decent at finding me nice people to network with. Email:

@roxie this is a Rails position but if you’ve done backend work before you can probably pick up the basics of Rails in pretty short order. in my experience these kinds of jobs in the US are not very competitive and i wouldn’t be surprised if the same were true in the UK.

as a word of warning if you do get the position, Hyrax can be a pretty steep learning curve, but as an upshot i doubt anyone applying will have much existing experience. it will position you well to pick up similar jobs in the future.

@Lady Just got a contract on a job today actually so this isn't that relevant anymore but thanks for taking the time to write that and try to help me out. Hope you have a lovely day tho <3


@roxie congrats!! hope it goes well for you!!

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