oh, no, baby, that’s the modern GAY movement,


“the modern queer movement [NB: there is no pre‐modern queer movement] is organized around the recognition of marriage” i’m dying over here

nothing queerer than state recognition amirite

to cleanse my palette here is some Queer and Now

here is some Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick using the word “alloerotic” in the year 1994

i should also add an addendum to this that the primary impetus for gay marriage was not “recognition of queer romance” but rather easing things like adoption, sharing healthcare coverage, visitation rights, rights to not testify against spouses in court, etc……


it is horribly ahistoric to suggest that the reason why people wanted gay marriage was because of some romantic agenda and not those very real material concerns which were profoundly affecting their lives

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especially in the aftermath of HIV/AIDS, wherein having healthcare coverage was (and is) Kind Of A Big Deal

yes let’s push for decoupling those things from marriage (nobody has ever argued differently) but in the meantime let’s save some lives huh

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