the cool thing about transitioning is men, cis, trans, queer and otherwise and a nonzero amount of women too all just sorta stopped caring about my opinion as much the second they learned it was coming out of a woman and not a man

but holy shit do i have as many opportunities to say "i told you so" after the fact as i could ever want, and that's very satisfying

my transfemme superpower is when dudes are treating me worse because i'm a woman now i know exactly when it happens and i know exactly how to twist the knife to make them feel real fuckin awkward about it

i've also hit the "over this shit" threshold where if i'm more and more popular with cis women because if i'm in earshot of them getting talked over i'll just barge in like YOU KNOW I THINK SHE'S RIGHT ACTUALLY and be as annoying as it takes

trans women are dangerous because we're the women who men accidentally showed how men get treated

and we're all too tired to keep quiet about it anymore

@kat i was wondering why nobody ever seemed to want to talk to me or have a pleasant conversation but it turned out they were all terrified. go figure

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