T. Kingfisher's prose is really good if you're reading a short story about goblins but I have questions about its efficacy in a horror novel

The problem is I'm stodgy and I like when books are written a certain way and it seems like the prevailing style of a lot of contemporary authors is shifting away from what I like, which is obviously neutral in and of itself, but it makes it harder for me, Coriander, to enjoy them

I'm still having a lot of issues with her prose in this book

She just had a character who was born and raised in the states say "wank"

For the record, no, T Kingfisher is not British

I have to be honest I'm getting close to throwing this book across the room with some of these turns of phrase she uses

I think if you're writing a southern gothic horror, you shouldn't be allowed to use the word "gothic" as an adjective in the story itself, unless there's a literal Gothic cathedral or smth

She is always writing "Heh" as dialogue

Someone makes a joke and someone else replies "Heh"


@coriander without context i find this extremely charming, hence you are wrong, sorry.

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