belated #DecRecs for yesterday:
Tale of Maj'Eyal is a roguelike game that more heavily emphasizes the combat side of things and has pretty adjustable difficulty (allowing you to both make things directly harder/easier and/or just play with 1/some/infinite lives). The randomization is a bit low (individual zone layouts, the locations of a few zones, most enemies and loot, but not much on the larger scale), but it's got a variety of classes that play pretty differently (and extensive customization within each class in terms of which abilities you choose to spend your points on) and are p fun (among the initially-unlocked classes, alchemist is a really fun one imo). I might suggest checking out the wiki and/or forums for some spoilers (particularly on things like which zones to do when) after possibly a few deaths.
It's free, although there are paid expansions that add some neat stuff (new classes, new zones, an entire campaign from the perspective of an antagonist faction from the original campaign).