re: nothing
@compufox as in, braless
im sorry, re: nothing
@aescling free as in software not free as in beer, got it
re: im sorry, re: nothing
@compufox ¿por que no los dos?
re: im sorry, re: nothing
@compufox open source titties (they were made with diy hrt obtained at no cost)
re: im sorry, re: nothing
re: im sorry, re: nothing
appurropurriating fascist language re: im sorry, re: nothing
@compufox be the degenerate sluts they say we are (if you want)
appurropurriating fascist language re: im sorry, re: nothing
@aescling im trying im trying
re: appurropurriating fascist language re: im sorry, re: nothing
@compufox good
@aescling .., f- … free?