Snowflake Challenge 2024: challenge 1
fur the furst challenge in #SnowflakeChallenge2024, i have updated my purrofile
Snowflake Challenge 2024: challenge 2
fur #SnowflakeChallenge2024, i am setting myself some goals:
this is so many goals lol
Snowflake Challenge 2024: challenge 3
the furst things that come to mind when it comes to what i wish to see in fandom are fics that would help me realize my goals. in that vein, fur #SnowflakeChallenge2024, i have the following (maybe not all) little wishes:
Snowflake Challenge 2024: challenge 4
fur the fourth challenge of #SnowflakeChallenge2024, we have been asked to do an icebreaker of some form
as a start, i looked at the [random question generator] suggested on dreamwidth and was struck by the question:
What's something about you today that the old you would find surprising?
because, like, it’s a lot. i have rejected a very large number of rules i held myself and others to as a kit (i was very judgemental, which has not exactly stopped being true,); kit!me would genuinely be horrified at who i’ve become. which is good, frankly, but lol
to answer the question, i don’t really feel like trying to enumerate the specifics but i’ll if you reply asking fur specifics, i’ll tell you one. we’ll make a game of it i guess
re: Snowflake Challenge 2024: challenge 4
@aescling this is an own of our past selves, but anything about spelling, grammar, or other conventionalities of English written usage?
- 🎒 🐱