going to do my news roundup early today as a threat to the rest of the news


@pamela off topic question—is Visible ( makevisible.com/blog/why-we-ar ) one of the apps you were testing a while back? I had a friend just ask me if it was any good & thought the name/description sounded familiar from you

@Satsuma yep that one! I couldn't afford it so I was just checking out the entry. I remember feeling like the creator "got" it but then they were presenting information in not-brainfog-friendly ways. Kinda felt like they have a decent program in mind but it's not fleshed out by the developers yet, seemed like it should have been in early access

@pamela makes sense! hopefully it’s been fleshed out a bit since then

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.