Regard the miracle of the folded laundry. I left it down here to wait for the last load. A pipe flat out burst this time, intake thank goodness, and the laundry managed to perch on this little island in the flood.

Waiting for a call back from the plumber. Bought a shop vac. Starting upstairs where the water isn’t actually as catastrophic I think because the room is more important?

Though really I am full to the brim with gratitude. The scope of the damage is so manageable.

It’s not good. But I am breathing so many pieces of gratitude for everything from “I don’t have to redo my laundry” to “not a single piece of electronics appears to have been impacted. We will need one new power strip.

Basement flooring has me nervous

Incursion into my sewing room damaged almost nothing. It was limited and most stuff was up on thing a

As I said above, I think the greatest loss is that we may have to have the basement refloored and that will suck, but we do have insurance#

Actually a way some of you could be helpful—if you’ve dealt with a flood and used insurance, at what point did you talk to them?

A lot of asking myself “what would Sue Kellerman do” iykyk but mostly library and specifically Penn State folks.

The plumber is here and we have GREAT news. Probably. Despite the break being at the point where the main line enters the house, it’s a radiator pipe.

This explains why the break happened when it did. Our thermostat would’ve kicked on at 7:30 to start warming the place up from 55F to 62F. M got up at 7 and went to the bathroom and would’ve seen/heard so we know it wasn’t happening then. By 8:30 it was CHAOS.


@platypus oof burst pipes are brutal! but glad it was a smaller one at least

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