medical stuff 

I am sitting up to keep a loved one company during a [medical thing], and the helplessness is overwhelming. Sometimes all you can do is bear witness and be there for the smallest things. (I'm opening and closing a lot of doors, very softly, so no tiny humans wake up and get scared.)

I'm reading fic to try and stay awake - it feels frivolous but if it helps it helps.

medical stuff 

I feel like the earthquake has been and gone, but the aftershocks will be with us for quite some time. Still. I was able to get a few hours sleep last night. I'm still with my family if needed (my boss gave me no trouble about not working today) and I'm...I *could* be less hypervigilant. Tell that to my nervous system though, lol.

medical stuff 

Things are better, though it's a two steps forward, one step back kind of thing. I slept in my own bed last night for the first time since this happened. With some grace from the universe (a big maybe) I can stay here and work and sleep and be with my cat until Wednesday.

Here's how I am emotionally: I had emergency therapy this morning, we did NOT reschedule Wednesday's, and she let me know I could do another session tomorrow if I needed it. So.

Your finest hug gifs/pet pics are welcome if you're in the mood.

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