I thought I could maybe escape the stripiness by finding a lace edge with a short enough row, but this is a 7 st (up to 11 st) repeat, and it's still stripey as heck.
I guess my last resort would be some kind of picot bind-off?
Experiments with picot edge: the picot section nearest the needle is me experimenting with alternating a two and three stitch picot, the section after the purple stitch marker (near the center of the picture) is a two stitch picot. The flatter section to the right is an attempt at Patty Lyon's Channel Island Bind-Off, which I could not get a good result with, possibly an execution problem.
My intuition, looking at this, is that I should space my picots at least one more stitch apart.
Even more edging, the picots spaced two sts apart, and and I'm doing 2stt picots twice, then a 3 st picot:
People are welcome to weigh in if they have thoughts ,even if it is 'Betty with all the love in the world I cannot tell the difference."
@Betty i like the extra spacing! no real opinions about the alternation, i feel like it’d be fine either way?
@Satsuma the extra work is mostly keeping it straight in my mind, but that is not my strong point so I'm happy to let it drop.