A great thing about being a modern is that every once in a while you'll be like "wait a second, is this X racist?" and the X will just be the wildest ass thing that you would have thought there was no reason to make racist.

And yet people are out there innovating

in my memory:
- yarn shop
- dog breed
- font

Which is like. Obviously none of these things are at the top of anyone's list of problems, but still.

@Betty are there more fonts that are racist than the german nationalist (nazi) ones?

@Satsuma There's just a lot of brushstroke fonts that are like, trying to emulate CJK fonts, and.

I'm not saying they're racist, because honestly, I'm not really in a position to say, but they do cause me stop and say "wait, is this racist?"

(as to german nationalist fonts: yikes)


@Betty ahh yeah i have also gone “hm” at those on occasion

@Satsuma yeaaaah. I don't think we as a society need to ban them, but it causes me to go "hmmmmm"

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