A great thing about being a modern is that every once in a while you'll be like "wait a second, is this X racist?" and the X will just be the wildest ass thing that you would have thought there was no reason to make racist.

And yet people are out there innovating

in my memory:
- yarn shop
- dog breed
- font

Which is like. Obviously none of these things are at the top of anyone's list of problems, but still.


@Betty are there more fonts that are racist than the german nationalist (nazi) ones?

@Satsuma There's just a lot of brushstroke fonts that are like, trying to emulate CJK fonts, and.

I'm not saying they're racist, because honestly, I'm not really in a position to say, but they do cause me stop and say "wait, is this racist?"

(as to german nationalist fonts: yikes)

@Betty ahh yeah i have also gone “hm” at those on occasion

@Satsuma yeaaaah. I don't think we as a society need to ban them, but it causes me to go "hmmmmm"

nazi nonsense 

@Satsuma@glitch.cat.family @Betty@fandom.ink Random aside, but I do always find it funny that what we nowadays consider the "Nazi fonts" (specifically Fraktur and Tannenberg), were banned by the Nazi party for being "Jewish letters" in 1941... in an official memo that used them for its header.

nazi nonsense 

@alis @Satsuma When you see someone who's a little too fond of them and you're like :frysquint:

@Betty@fandom.ink @Satsuma@glitch.cat.family As someone who kinda likes blackletter fonts... ye-ee-eah. They sure do have some history!

(Also I added the proper
:frysquint:​ emoji for you, lol.)

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