this little pal was kind of dazed after flying into the window but we are hoping they are ok, last I saw they were in a box on the way to sfacc. spotted in downtown san francisco, probably not their native habitat I am guessing

picture's not great but can anyone id our friend here? someone on scene said snowy plover but I have no idea what their avian credentials were

@pagrus i am looking at photos of snowy plovers and they are adorable but also extremely do not have that beak (they also generally seem to have a lighter coloring, though its hard to tell with your pic’s lighting) oh haha I didn't even look at pictures, I just assumed they were wrong. the coloring on this lil pecker was definitely darker

@pagrus yeah it’d be pretty far from home if it were one! they are roughly chicken sized though, which would rule out pretty much every other option haha


@pagrus yeah they are tiny compared to their nearest relatives (emus, ostriches, etc) but really still quite large!

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