@ElopsineFlotsam I have this sort of sketched out system of a/o where the a/o are mostly distinguished by being unable to tolerate close proximity to other a/o not in their mate bond, and they're mostly non-sexual when not in breeding season, and betas are all kind of happily group living and don't really pairbond but raise their kids together.
@ElopsineFlotsam The reason that they a/o and b haven't separated into different species is because the sexual phase of the a/o life is so intense it's considered normal and normative to have a bunch of Bs visit during this time to help with the sexual satisfaction of your mate.
@ElopsineFlotsam All children born after this are considered to belong to the bearing partner and by custom have nothing to do with sex orgy you just had, but also everyone's like, well, sometimes a/o show up in beta cuddles, you give the kid a nice dowry and wish them the best of luck finding their way with those weirdos!
And also, obviously, Bs are necessary for the functioning of society, because a/os need them to do business with other a/os who they find nearly intolerable.