

After checking three panels, our building wiki, and a bit of lucky guessing, we've managed to render the corner we're working on electrically bland.

Time to rip out the faulty light and replace it...


@RussSharek @SocialGaff @c0debabe yay for new functional lights!

i imagine your clowning skills must come in handy not getting in eachothers way while putting up complicated fixtures

@Satsuma @RussSharek @c0debabe
Honestly, I think we still got in each others way plenty, but the skills we've learned kept us from getting too frustrated about it! lol

@SocialGaff @RussSharek @c0debabe yeah that is also very useful when it comes to home improvement!

@Satsuma @SocialGaff @c0debabe

I wish I had warmed up before holding that panel overhead while Liam wired it. ;)

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