
re: OTW Board meeting thread 

A random list of things the board could do to improve their meeting processes

1) announcing meetings in advance anywhere but twitter (and their secret unadvertised calendar which still gets them less than a week ahead usually)
2) announcing agenda items in advance literally anywhere
3) actually linking (and/or providing copies of) the relevant actions during "actions taken since last meeting" so people can read the things they're commenting on
4) pre-typing all of the preplanned agenda stuff that doesn't actually involve any discussion so we can get through it faster
5) giving attendees somewhere to submit questions in advance, so the board can prepare answers
6) giving attendees somewhere to submit relevant questions & comments about the meeting itself as it progresses
7) even sorta pretending that this is an actual meeting with real votes instead of the blatant zero discussion immediate unanimous vote bs???
8) providing copies of materials being voted on before the vote, so that people have a chance to raise last minute concerns (even better, weeklong public comment period before actual meeting!)
9) dropping the condescending "please email the board" notes until such a time as they've actually answered their existing backlog, so that the chat doesn't *immediately* fill up with 5-10 "uh i asked a question 4 months ago and never got a response..."

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