the philly phanatic is objectively a better mascot than the mariner moose but i refuse to acknowledge this


« The Moose made his debut during the Mariners' home opener on April 13, 1990, dancing on the field in front of a sell-out crowd at the Kingdome to the tune of "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" by Timbuk 3. However, his introduction was not warmly received; Mariners fans repeatedly chanted, "Kill the Moose," during the game. The reception remained very negative throughout the first two months of the season; not even a world record attempt on May 6 for the longest indoor flight could improve the Moose's reputation. As a result, the team reportedly sent him to Philadelphia to take lessons from the Phillie Phanatic, the official mascot for the Philadelphia Phillies Major League Baseball team. » lmao

@Lady My favourite thing about the Moose is how he doesn't have a name and is just The Moose

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