institutions, including and especially corporations, don't deserve your loyalty, respect, or defense.

none of 'em.

save loyalty, respect, and defense for people, not institutions.

people are what is left when institutions fall.

@djsundog Dunno, there are a lot of libraries and makerspaces I respect. Not unquestioningly, but still.

@aschmitz understandable, but I question whether the respect belongs to the institution or the people who choose to make it work, and I think the focus shift would probably be healthier than the status quo on this one?

@djsundog Maybe? I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to the folks who stand up a library, on the reputation of libraries alone, though of course that can change quickly. But I agree that's earned due to the people, not an abstract idea of an institution, but broadly the people who work there do want to make it work well as an institution too.


@aschmitz @djsundog honestly i think most people who work in libraries are working in spite of the institution but maybe that’s just academic libraries

archives are probably the institution with the most value

@Lady @djsundog Hm. I think that's sort of true in academic libraries, but I was more thinking local community libraries, where librarians seem to go out of their way to defend the library as a space with certain values, even in the face of occasional mixed opinions. (This offer not valid for all librarians or in all locations; consult your local librarian to see if Libraries™ are right for you.)

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