i have been not publishing version 1.0.0 of this thing because i haven’t written docs because my documentation markup language isn’t ready yet and folks, i keep finding bugs in it

i basically had this feature-complete shortly after i published 0.9.3

don’t let versions 0.9.4 thru 0.9.6 fool you, they are bugfixes rebased backwards in time

and then look at how many commits since 0.9.6

there are lots of new features i want to add, some of which are really useful!! but i’m refusing to do so until i have a proper release of what i have

my git policy by the way is that versions before the latest are immutable; anything goes after that point

i can and do retag latest versions and do fixups on them

why? because i’m not interested in hosting broken code, and because you should be using hashes not tags for anything you need an immutable identifier for

“but using a hash doesn’t help if that hash ceases to be available” i’m not interested in hosting broken code


i’m running a code sharing service for humans here, not a piece of computing infrastructure; if you want reliable computing infrastructure i encourage you to manage your own repo on your own platform

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.