what if… assassin's creed ii… but instead of a hidden blade for murdering your enemies… a pokémon


@coriander honestly i think pokémon battles instead of murder might be an improvement; the plot armour of important characters in ac2 was always annoying

@coriander not being able to dive off of buildings straight into an assassination will be a downgrade tho

@Lady I've never played it

But I am working my way through a 6-hour narrative critique of it

@coriander i thought it was narratively interesting when i played it in like freshman year of college but my understanding is that the series in general failed to live up to the potential it held (i have never finished another assassin’s creed game)

@Lady That sounds right from what I've gathered over the years of cultural osmosis

@Lady Very "trying to chase the highs" type franchise

Tho apparently the pirate one was fun

@Lady I had that feeling back when they kept making more games to put Ezio into tbh

@Lady And then they kept making way too many after that point!

@coriander it is really interesting because like, call of duty has a singleplayer but after modern warfare nobody played it, it was a multiplayer game they could just keep releasing primarily

but ubisoft tried to do that with a singleplayer game with a critically acclaimed story, and like first of all, why, and secondly, has any other narrative-driven series gone quite so hard like that?? like bethesda gets on fine just rereleasing skyrim every year

@coriander they absolutely could have released half the assassins creeds and remastered the existing ones twice as often and made more money because people pay more for a single player game with a good story than they do an annual derivative fetchquest slog but this time in france!

@Lady The Yakuza series is a good proof of this one yeah

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