@coriander is it that kendrick hates drake and the culture is following him and receiving his wisdom (yes)
or is it that the culture hates drake and kendrick is just the body and mouthpiece which makes it into word (yes)
@Lady Ascended Hater
Hater Avatar
@coriander @Lady Mantling the societal hatred to be its sword
Charging the Hater Spirit Bomb
@coriander @Lady like sociologically this is gonna be analyzed for decades I think
@IntrepidVector @coriander and all of the social media users lay down their swords for a day to share in the communal experience of hating the fuck out of this one man
@Lady @coriander they stand in awe of the intensity of his hate. They marvel at the filigree and interlocking structure of The Lance of Words That Will Unmake That Man