
my quest to stop posting to mastodon and start posting to an atom feed nears its terminus

re: prrgrrmmng, social media 

i like Having Conversations on mastodon but i don’t like Making Posts here; i’d rather Make Posts on a better website (my own) and just use mastodon for talking with folks


re: prrgrrmmng, social media 

the idea that you might read something on someone’s website and then write them an email or send them a message on a different platform instead of just clicking a comment button right there on the page is so far from how most people think about and use the internet tho that i·d·k if it will really work

re: prrgrrmmng, social media 

but my social media ideal is the bulletin board that they have in your town in animal crossing and folks, there is no reply button on the animal crossing bulletin board

re: prrgrrmmng, social media 

i loved the early mastodon culture that communicated primarily through subtoots or which would just name people in posts without @‐ing them because they knew the other person was reading, and you don’t actually need federated social media for that, you just all need to be following each other’s atom feeds

re: prrgrrmmng, social media 

you may have seen me do this before but what distinguishes this from previous attempts is there are now atom feeds

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.