otw discord fiasco / subtoot
i’m upset and i don’t even care about the OTW. how do the people who literally volunteer there not see this as hugely embarrassing?? do they not realize that this is the first impression MANY #EndOTWRacism / #VoteToEndOTWRacism newbies are going to have of their board/process/meetings??
otw discord fiasco / subtoot
“although i don't have the power to moderate this server, as an otw volunteer i want to say that i am deeply embarrassed that this conversation was allowed to develop the way it did. i can’t speak for the otw, but on a personal level i want plural fans to know that i respect them and will always try to ensure they have a space here. i will be speaking with my supervisors to stress the need for an apology, and if you have any further concerns i encourage you to reach out to me, understanding that i am only a lowly tag wrangler.”
re: otw discord fiasco / subtoot
made a dreamwidth post about it: https://hojarasca.dreamwidth.org/1035.html
re: otw discord fiasco / subtoot
@Lady the more I learn about otw the more I'm hesitant to trust them. I also don't get the reason for shooting down plural kit, i feel like there are plenty of ways to make sure it isn't abused
re: otw discord fiasco / subtoot
@adobo the short answer re: pluralkit is just that they haven't bothered to investigate it at all yet; maybe they will in the future but i'm not holding my breath
but yeah 100% do not trust the otw. they are extremely dysfunctional and i think it is only a matter of time before they start running out of volunteers to sustain their operation. who knows what will happen at that point
re: otw discord fiasco / subtoot
@Lady are there any efforts that could replace them for fannish content?
re: otw discord fiasco / subtoot
@adobo not large ones as of yet; i think there is talk of people spinning up smaller archives and maybe even someday having federation but a lot of it is hypothetical right now
otw discord fiasco / subtoot
“a conversation between 5 people” sure, in public, in a server with over 800
how are you not mortified??? how are you not doing everything you can right now to save face for your organization??